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Perl >> Auctions Scripts
| Description - Set up a powerful online auction site where users may post items. Features automatic email notification, automatic closing, registration and email verification, sniper protection, integrated search engine, file locking, user defined minimum bid increment and auction length, item display lists, bidding history, product information and more.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-09 | Report Error
| Description - Our cutting edge designs enable easier manipulation by both administrator and home user; utilizing many features eBay have.
Buyers and sellers can use the easily operated functions which minimalise troubles often gained in surfing more conventional sites.
Which is why our auction is the most popular and cheapest auction sales website around.
This Auction will generate you direct income with our 100% pay pal compatible system. Users are able to find out there account situation immediately. Therefore users can fund there account quickly and conveniently through there pay pal account. Once there payment has cleared It will automatically enter there Auction listing account. With our easy to use accounting administration pages You will be able to find out exactly which users are required to make a payment.
Please have a good look around our demonstration auction site. Please feel free to register sell and place bids.
Our Auction is a complete turnkey online operation. No training will be needed! It is so easy to use!
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-09-16 | Report Error
| Description - A powerful, yet easy to install and use Auction-creation program which will allow you to host auctions created by you or your website visitors. Features: Unlimited categories and items, Automated e-mail validation registration system, Optional non-registration mode to allow posting/bidding by anyone, Reserve prices supported which allow a seller to set a min. acceptable amount, Outbid e-mails automatically sent by the system, Search engine, Users can view closed auction history and contact info, E-mail sent to both high-bidder and seller on auction close, Fast re-posting of items that were not sold, Multi-item dutch auction option, and more.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error
| Description - Auction Weaver LITE is a powerful, yet easy to install program which inlcudes unlimited categories and items, automated e-mail validation registration system, system generated passwords sent to users via e-mail, seller determines minimum bid increment and length of the auction, item display lists bidding history and product information, integrated search engine, easy bidding, multi-item dutch auction option, e-mail sent to both high-bidder and seller on auction close and much more.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-09 | Report Error
| Description - Feature rich auction program with a flatfile database, and templates.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-09 | Report Error
| Description - EZAUCTGN enables you to allow your visitors to create their own auction sites powered by a special version of EveryAuction. Each auction owner can choose the color scheme, select categories, allow user posting and perform browser based deletion of items and/or categories.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error
| Description - EveryAuction is the premiere freeware Perl CGI auction script which was designed with both the administrator and user in mind, as it provides advanced features in a single platform-independent Perl script. Some of its features include unlimited categories and items support, category listing displaying number of open items per category, price reservation support, minimum bid increment and length of the auction by the seller, bidding history and product information, HTML front-ends support, auction classifieds or traditional auction settings, e-mail sent to both high-bidder and seller on auction close and much more.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error
| Description - EveryAuction allows anyone to set up a powerful online auction site where users may post items. Automatic e-mail notifications, automatic closing, registration and e-mail verification, sniper protection, integrated search engine, item tracking, file locking for reliable operation, and much more! Released under GPL.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-09 | Report Error
| Description - Offer your visitors their own auction sites with this auction generator. Includes a long list of features.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-09 | Report Error
| Description - EZAUCTGN enables you to allow your visitors to create their own auction sites powered by a special version of EveryAuction. Each auction owner can choose the color scheme, select categories, allow user posting and perform browser based deletion of items and/or categories.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error
| Description - i-Scripts.com offers free auction add-ons that are programmed for EveryAuction software.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-09 | Report Error
| Description - Auction software that is driven by a SQL database. Includes unlimited nested categories, multi-lingual capabilities, proxy bidding system, dutch auctions, reserve auctions, private auctions, user accounts manager, advanced search tools, featured category auctions, featured home page auctions, gallery auctions and more.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-09 | Report Error
| Description - Based on the popular EBAY auction site, we have created a MYSQL driven clone with many of the same features. User registration, feedback ratings for users, proxy bidding, automatic batch closing done hourly. You can add unlimited custom categories. Performs keyword searches and category browsing just like the real thing. Binary MYSQL database allows you to serve even the largest auction based websites. Supports auction reserves, minimum bids, bidding wars, and more. Default setup charges flat rates per ad type (i.e. bold faced, add icon, hilite ad). Customizable headers and footers appear on every page. Credit buying interface supports Mastercard, Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Novus, and Online checks. Admin interface allows you to edit/modify/delete users. Member interface allows editing information or if they forget their password it is automatically emailed to them.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-09-03 | Report Error
| Description - An auction program with a full list of features including: built-in user management, categories, user registration, user lounge, and full moderator capabilities. All controlled by a web-based admin panel.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-09 | Report Error