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Perl >> Auctions Scripts >> PS DBay Auction Software
| Description - Based on the popular EBAY auction site, we have created a MYSQL driven clone with many of the same features. User registration, feedback ratings for users, proxy bidding, automatic batch closing done hourly. You can add unlimited custom categories. Performs keyword searches and category browsing just like the real thing. Binary MYSQL database allows you to serve even the largest auction based websites. Supports auction reserves, minimum bids, bidding wars, and more. Default setup charges flat rates per ad type (i.e. bold faced, add icon, hilite ad). Customizable headers and footers appear on every page. Credit buying interface supports Mastercard, Visa, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Novus, and Online checks. Admin interface allows you to edit/modify/delete users. Member interface allows editing information or if they forget their password it is automatically emailed to them.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-09-03 | Report Error