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Perl >> E-Mail Scripts >> Mail::Audit::Centipaid
| Description - Mail::Audit::Centipaid is an email filter that is used to detect the precence of electronic postage. Once detected, the postage is checked against the receipt server of Centipaid.com to insure that the the proper payment has been made. Centipaid.com can process electronic postage as low as $0.001. The idea of this filter came about as another method to control the growing problem of SPAM, which was proposed by the Adaptive Mail Delivery Protocol (AMDP). Please refer to amdpmail.com for more info. Mail::Audit::Centipaid can be used by individuals or companies to designate one or more email accounts SPAM free. Only paid email will be allowed through the filter.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error