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| Description - CodeThatMenu is advanced cross-browser state-of-art JavaScript menu control that can be easily integrated in any web page, requires no JavaScript knowledge from the prospective user and comes with the features everybody expects from the modern navigation menu:
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Easy to use and setup
- Both drop-down and popup menus are supported
- Unlimited menu depth with all levels independently configurable
- Look and feel and appearance of the menu is controlled through the CSS class
- Look and feel of the menu item when in mouse over state supported by the CSS class
- Link targets (other frame, new window, parent frame) and tool tips are supported
- Customizable attractive transparency and transition effects (IE 5+)
- Whole menu item area is clickable (not text caption only as in most others javascript menus)
- Run-time access from javascript
- Low weight and high performance
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-12 | Report Error
| Description - CodeThatTab is an advanced JavaScript tab control (page control) that
fully mimics look and the functionality of the tab control found in
Windows GUI specifications and serves the same purpose. Use CodeThatTab
to create a multiple page form within the same window. CodeThatTab
displays multiple overlapping pages that hold various content. The user
selects a page by clicking the pages tab that appears at the top of the
control (or in the other configured position).
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-10-25 | Report Error
| Description - CodeThatTree is an advanced cross-browser state-of-art JavaScript tree control that can be easily integrated in any web page, requires no JavaScript knowledge from the prospective user and is provided with the wide range of the features.
- All popular browsers supported (IE4+, NS4+, Mozilla, Opera)
- Easy to use and setup
- Unlimited number of trees on single page all independently configurable
- Unlimited depth with different style for each level
- Configurable levels, you can use different indentation and style for each level
- All styles supported, allowing sophisticated visual effects
- Configurable nodes, makes it possible for items to seem in the way you like it
- Run-time access from javascript
- Low weight and high performance
Rating - 2.1/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-12 | Report Error
| Description - CodeThatXPBar is a JavaScript navigation control that provides with the same look and feel
and functionality as the special control bar which can be found in Windows Explorer,
Control panel and other system tools of the WindowsXP.
CodeThatXPBar is an advanced cross-browser state-of-art JavaScript control that
can be easily integrated in any web page, requires no JavaScript knowledge from
the prospective user, offers rich interface, supports ulimited number of groups,
items, scrolling can be configured through the CSS, XML.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-12 | Report Error
| Description - Mouse-events.html is a template for handling three basic mouse events: Moving, pressing down on a button, and releasing the button. It works in IE 5+ and should also work in NS 6+.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-02-06 | Report Error
| Description - VisualMenu is a cross-browser, client-side DHTML menu builder. It requires no JavaScript programming. Menus can be generated visually using our free wizard called Visual Menu Maker, or hand-coded with XML and converted to JavaScript with our free conversion tools. Visual Menu Maker includes a gallery of templates and graphics, for rapid menu creation. The look of a Visual Menu is described entirely by CSS, allowing complete separation between content and presentation. Visual Menu supports absolute and static CSS positioning, menu element image labels, icons, arrows, checkbox and radio button menu elements, unlimited levels of sub-menus, tool tips and status bar messages. All menu images can do rollovers. Visual Menu supports all browsers in common use, including Safari and Opera.
Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2009-01-22 | Report Error