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Free Scripts
- These scripts are great to add basic functionality to your web site that would otherwise require programming expertise. Scripts are available for all web hosting platforms. Best of all, they are 100% free!
Banner Ads - Our banner ad solution puts you in
charge of any banner advertisements on your site
Chat - Our innovative chatting software is a great way
to host chat rooms accessible all around the world, right on your website.
Form Processor - Processes information submitted by a simple html form
Guestbook - Our customizable, database-driven guestbook software is
used all over the net, and for purposes we never dreamed of.
MailFile - Allows you to send multiple files by e-mail to
someone requesting them from a web page.
Postcard - Our easy-to-setup, easy-to-use system lets your
users e-mail electronic postcards to their friends and colleagues.
- These are some basic pieces of code that don't take up more than a few lines, but add some great functionality to your site. No download required.
Cookies - This is a few lines of code that teaches you how to set a cookie on a browser's computer.
Header/Footer - This code explains how to easily include one file within another file. The most
common use of this code is for headers and footers.
Random Text - These snippets of code show you how to randomly display a line of text of your
Text Counter - A simple text counter that writes to a regular text file. No database support is
needed for this counter to work.
Script Directory
- Below is a directory of hundreds of scripts on the net for you to choose from.
If you have you own script, feel free to add it here.
5 Newest Scripts
| Description - Create a histogram or other useful graphical representation from a list of numbers. It will even do labels for each bar, but this is limited since it can only handle them nicely with a very small set of data and even then you need very short labels.
Hits - 2069 | Rating - 3.9/10 | Votes - 39 | Last Updated - 2009-02-26 | Report Error
| Description - Simple instructions for setting up a cookie and storing it in ASP
Hits - 1739 | Rating - 3.26/10 | Votes - 31 | Last Updated - 2009-02-26 | Report Error
| Description - Rapid Classified is a mid-size classified board with load of features. Database is based on text files for versions v1.0, v2.0 and Access DB for v2.1 - Pro with encoded content for certain entries. Dynamic and flexible configuration allows to approve ads before posting, verify users e-mails, delete/edit ads, and more
Hits - 1592 | Rating - 3.26/10 | Votes - 31 | Last Updated - 2009-02-26 | Report Error
| Description - Create a histogram or other useful graphical representation from a list of numbers. It will even do labels for each bar, but this is limited since it can only handle them nicely with a very small set of data and even then you need very short labels.
Hits - 1863 | Rating - 3.47/10 | Votes - 32 | Last Updated - 2009-02-26 | Report Error
| Description - This simple message board script is very easy to setup! Allows users to create new threads, add to existing threads, and view previous and/or following threads. Uses a Microsoft Access database (included).
Hits - 1965 | Rating - 3.77/10 | Votes - 35 | Last Updated - 2009-02-26 | Report Error